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What to do if you test positive for COVID

What to do if you test positive for COVID

Testing positive for COVID-19 is scary, but there are steps to take if you do happen to test positive. There are also a few things you should do before you are tested, just to ensure that you aren’t putting anyone else at risk.  What do I...

Blood Clots: Everything you should know

Blood Clots: Everything you should know

Blood clots are known to cause a whole range of uncomfortable symptoms. They are a particularly fatal danger after a patient has undergone surgery. Blood clots can cause paralysis, heart attacks, strokes and other scary conditions. Blood clots can be stationary or can move through...

Is it safe to skip breakfast?

Is it safe to skip breakfast?

Generations of people have been taught that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast is rumoured to cause many ill effects like lack of concentration, digestion issues and is even believed to slow down the metabolism for the day.  However, recent studies...

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