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5 Sources Of Vitamin D

When you think of essential vitamins your body needs, vitamin D should be one of them. Not only does it play a critical function in your bone development, but it helps you gain resistance to certain diseases. Read on to learn about why you need more vitamin D and the types of foods you can get it from.

Why is Vitamin D Important?

First things first, you should know what vitamin D is and why it’s crucial to keep you healthy. Specific vitamins are fat-soluble, meaning that your body absorbs them with the fats in your food. These vitamins are found in meat, plants, and dietary supplements.

The great news is that your skin can produce vitamin D directly exposed to sunlight. However, more is needed in some instances due to various health influences. Consider getting enough of this vitamin from your food and dietary supplements.

But why is vitamin D so essential for your health? Your body needs to regulate the amount of calcium and phosphate it makes. You require two nutrients to ensure your bones, teeth, and muscles are healthy. If you don’t get enough vitamin D, you could face challenges with bone deformities and certain autoimmune diseases.

The Benefits of Vitamin D

Outside of the normal development of your teeth and bones, vitamin D has several necessary functions. The following are three main reasons you should increase your intake of this vitamin.

It May Help Fight Diseases

Additional benefits of vitamin D include the following.

  • It may reduce the chance of heart disease. Low vitamin D levels are linked to hypertension, stroke, and heart failure.
  • It helps to support your immune system. Enough vitamin D can reduce the risk of infections and autoimmune diseases such as type 1 Diabetes.
  • Sufficient vitamin D can improve your chances of dealing with acute respiratory distress syndrome.
  • It can also reduce the risk of Multiple Sclerosis (MS).
Reduce Depression and Regulate Your Mood

According to one study, you are likely to improve your depression symptoms and negative emotions when you take vitamin D supplements. Conversely, low vitamin D levels can increase anxiety and depression-related symptoms.

It helps Support Weight Loss

Research suggests that vitamin D could have an appetite-suppressing effect. A study shows that people who are overweight have a higher chance of reducing their weight when adding this vitamin as a daily supplement than those who don’t. In addition, it has been shown to assist with reducing body fat percentages.

Which 5 Foods Are a Source of Vitamin D?

Now that you know how vitamin D is excellent for you, you should know which foods you can eat to ensure you have enough of it to reap the maximum benefits. Here are five sources of vitamin D that are recommended for your diet.

Dairy Products

Most people know that you need calcium to maintain healthy bones and teeth. You’d be surprised to learn that vitamin D is added to milk products in some countries. Vitamin D helps your body absorb calcium, strengthening your bones and teeth.


Did you know that eating fatty fish such as sardines and canned tuna can give you your recommended daily vitamin D intake? Adding fatty fish is an excellent idea since you hardly get time to bask in the sun in winter. Plus, the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish are essential to boost your brain health.

Orange Juice

Orange juice is enriched with vitamin D and calcium. This is the closest you’ll get to a fruit that contains this necessary vitamin. Add orange juice to your diet to increase your vitamin D intake. However, keep it in moderation because too much orange juice can raise your blood sugar levels.


Mushrooms likely contain the highest amount of vitamin D. To get most of their benefits; you should eat them while fresh. The longer you keep them in your fridge, the less effective they’ll be for you.

Breakfast Cereals

The old saying goes, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”. Enjoy a bowl of vitamin D -enriched cereal before you start your morning to maintain strong and healthy bones, teeth, and muscle tissue. In fact, you can add a glass of orange juice to ensure you have enough to keep you going for the day.

The bottom line is that your body requires various nutrients and vitamins to keep it going. The great thing about vitamin D is that it promotes health in multiple body parts. Most importantly, you can try out different foods to ensure that you get your daily recommended intake.

If you don’t get enough vitamin D in your diet, it could lead to certain health issues. If you’re concerned about your health, you can consult with our Telehealth providers, 24/7 or choose from over 3000 network GPs, nationwide. to find a preferred doctor closest to you. If you’re not already an Affinity Health member, today to find an affordable that suits your needs.


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