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5 Winter Health Hazards And How To Get Through Them

Your health can suffer when temperatures drop. There are certain health risks that arise when it gets colder during winter. However, preparation can help you get through these health hazards.

In most cases, chronic joint pain can heighten due to the cold. Others can struggle with respiratory conditions. Read on to learn about common winter health hazards and how to get through them.

Who is at Risk of Winter Health Hazards?

Generally, viral infections such as the cold affect almost everyone during winter. Yet, some people are at a higher risk of cold-weather related health problems. You should take better care of yourself if you fall under any of these categories:

  • If you are someone with underlying medical conditions.
  • If you are pregnant or a new mother.
  • If you are older than 65 years.
  • Infants and toddlers.
  • If you live with a disability.

5 Winter Health Hazards to Look Out For

It helps to know what the common health risk factors are during the colder months of the year. It can ensure correct preventative measures that benefit your health.

Colds and Viral Infections

Winter is a season of sharing colds and viral infections at home and the office. Most people aren’t immune to it because the dry and cold air allows contaminated respiratory droplets to travel freely. When you’re sick and you cough or sneeze, you make it easier for these germs to travel to the next person.

An overwhelming majority of winter colds and viruses are contagious. However, they don’t always require antibiotics unless when severe. Your doctor should recommend the best treatment and foods to eat.

Skin Problems

The changes in humidity and temperature during winter can reduce the moisture on your skin. As a result, dry and itchy skin is more common in winter than the warmer months. The good news is the following tips can help repair your skin to reduce the effects of dry skin:

  • Change your skincare routine.
  • Use an emollient overnight skin treatment to increase moisture.
  • Moisturise straight after washing.
  • Use sunscreen daily.
  • Stay well hydrated.

Joint Pain

There is no right answer that explains the relation between cold weather and joint pain. Some experts suggest that a drop in temperatures reduces barometric (air) pressure in the atmosphere that causes swelling of your soft tissue. In turn, this creates pressure on your joints and reduced blood flow which results in pain and discomfort.

If you live with joint pain, these effective tips can help you better manage the discomfort when it gets colder:

  • Keep yourself extra warm.
  • Stay active to improve your mobility and joint function.
  • Reduce foods that increase your risk of inflammation.
  • Manage potential weight gain.

Weight Gain

Winter weight gain is more common than you think. A combination of reduced activity levels and eating high-calorie comfort foods can cause some changes in your weight. Rapid weight gain can affect your overall health.

You should ensure you focus on a well-balanced diet this winter to avoid weight-related health risks such as high blood pressure or coronary heart disease. If the cold weather is making you eat more comfort food, you should try to include moderate exercise to help burn excess calories you consume.

7 Tips to Get Through Winter and Maintain Your Health

Since winter comes with various health risks, you should find effective ways to prevent significant impact to your health. The following are seven tips to help you get through winter and maintain your health:

  • Drink a lot of warm fluids.
  • Eat a balanced meal.
  • Moisturise your skin.
  • Improve sanitation and cleanliness.
  • Wear a mask if you’re sick.
  • Exercise in moderation.
  • Keep warm indoors and outdoors.

The bottom line is that winter comes with changes to your health. You should take necessary precautionary measures to ensure you beat these winter health hazards. An Affinity Health plan ensures you have appropriate medical cover when you need it the most this winter season.

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