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Affinity Health Talks About Returning To Exercise After Recovering from COVID-19

Affinity Health Talks About Returning To Exercise After Recovering from COVID-19

It takes some time for your body to recover from illness, particularly something as dangerous as COVID-19.

Affinity Health says it’s best to gradually reintroduce physical activity to your routine after you’ve recovered from the coronavirus, and speak to your doctor or health care specialist should you have any questions or concerns about exercising.

From cardiac problems to lifelong lung damage, Covid-19 can have lingering health implications. Those who have contracted the viral infection and recovered may be wondering whether or not they can return to exercise.

If you are otherwise healthy and have been symptom-free for at least seven days, the answer is yes, you can return to physical activity, but only at half of your usual intensity.

“Exercise is not only a great way to stay in shape but also a great way to reduce stress – and we can all agree that these past few months have been particularly stressful,” says Murray Hewlett, CEO of Affinity Health. 

“It’s important, however, that you start with light activities such as walking, swimming, or cycling and, over the course of a few days, slowly increase the intensity.” 

Pay close attention to your body in case any Covid-19 symptoms suddenly re-appear. If, at any point, you feel as if you’re pushing yourself too hard, it is essential to slow down until your energy and strength improve.

Affinity Health mentions that those who suffer from underlying medical conditions should be extra cautious when exercising shortly after recovering from Covid-19.

If you have had cardiac or heart symptoms, the recommendation is to rest for two to three weeks after the symptoms stop. Those who have had myocarditis or inflammation of the heart should wait three to six months before returning to some form of an exercise regimen. 

Those living with the gastrointestinal effects of COVID-19 (vomiting, nausea, diarrhoea, and loss of appetite) should keep tabs on their fluid and calorie intake while easing into their fitness patterns. At the same time, those who had respiratory symptoms like pneumonia are recommended to rest for at least two weeks after symptoms subside.

Affinity Health stresses that these recommendations aren’t set in stone. As more is discovered about the coronavirus and the way it affects us, these guidelines about returning to physical activity could change.

About Affinity Health

Affinity Health aims to provide premier quality, affordable medical insurance to South Africans. We strive to give our clients peace of mind and the highest standard of service when they are faced with injury or illness. We work to deliver innovative solutions that are simple, cost effective and proven, so our cover is structured to ensure that you get exactly what you need. For more information follow us on Facebook, and Instagram. 

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