Combined Plan
A combination of Affinity Health’s Day-to-Day and Hospital cover.
The Affinity Health Combined Plan provides you with a combination of all the benefits available on the Day-to-Day and Hospital Plans.
When taking a combined health cover plan, the benefit amount for the Casualty Room Treatment benefit increases. Your overall premium is also discounted.
The Combined plan
starts from R1,838pm
Plan Benefits
You get Unlimited* Doctor Visits and Medication for the treatment of common daily ailments such as colds, flu and much more. This plan is tailor-made for covering the essential medical requirements of our daily lives.
Benefits also include dentistry, optometry, radiology and more.
Plan Benefits
Hospitalisation cover for accidents, serious illness and maternity. With an Affinity Health Hospital Plan, you are covered for your daily stay in hospital.
See the full details of the Hospital Plan to find out more about the benefits, such as Major Trauma Cover, Diagnostic Procedures and access to Private Hospitals.
Persons joining Affinity Health over the age of 54 will be subject to increased premiums.
Persons joining Affinity Health Junior over the age of 18 will be subject to increased premiums.