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Critical Health Concerns And How To Prevent Them

Your health is a crucial part of your quality of life. Following tips to improve your well-being can help reduce the risk of chronic health concerns that can cause long-term complications. Read on to find out more about critical health concerns and ways to prevent them.


Did you know that research estimates that more than 2 billion adults are overweight? According to the World Health Organisation, obesity is one of the leading chronic health concerns that continues to impair health among children and adults. Being overweight can cause an imbalance of energy levels through an unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity.

Obesity can influence your quality of life and increase your risk of life-threatening health conditions such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain cancers. The good news is that obesity can be managed to prevent potential health complications. Ask your doctor to evaluate your health risks for a practical approach to obesity management.

Mental Health Disorders

Your mental health is essential for living a healthy lifestyle. However, many people struggle with mental health disorders and lack access to quality care and support that meets their needs. It has become a widespread concern in communities around the world.

Additionally, studies suggest that poor mental health is linked to various chronic health conditions, which can weaken or alter your immune response. This can lead to physical health complications such as heart disease. The good news is that positive mental well-being can reduce the risk of severe illnesses impacting your physical health.


Acute Liver Failure

Over-use of medications such as over-the-counter painkillers has been linked to rapid loss of liver function without prior medical history of liver disease. Severe complications can include bleeding and increased brain pressure due to damaged liver cells that are no longer able to function. Moreover, you might become vulnerable to infections that target your blood, respiratory and urinary tracts.

Acute liver failure is a life-threatening risk that requires immediate treatment to help reduce the absorbed medicine. However, in some cases, this rare condition can be caused by viral or autoimmune hepatitis that can be treated with steroids. A liver biopsy is conducted to find a more accurate cause to determine which course of treatment is suitable or whether you require a liver transplant.

Infectious Diseases

Specific bacteria and viruses can get into your body and cause harm, impacting your immune response. Examples of infectious diseases include the flu, HIV, and measles. Although anyone is at risk of getting an infectious disease, people with compromised immune systems are at a higher risk of developing these types of diseases.

Most infectious diseases can be prevented without causing severe health complications. However, some can cause lasting damage with life-threatening consequences such as:

  • Pneumonia.
  • Sepsis.
  • Meningitis.
  • Liver cancer.
  • Dehydration.

Chronic Respiratory Diseases

The most common chronic respiratory diseases that can severely impact your airways and related structures of the lungs include asthma, occupational lung diseases and pulmonary hypertension. Risk factors such as air pollution, a history of lower respiratory infections and smoking can make you vulnerable. These types of diseases aren’t curable, but they can be managed with various forms of treatment to help open the air passage and regulate symptoms.

The symptoms usually only appear when significant lung damage occurs. They can vary and last several days, worsening when exposed to certain triggers. If your condition doesn’t improve with treatment, you should seek medical care before it becomes life-threatening.


How to Prevent Critical Health Concerns

Key risk behaviours such as poor nutrition, tobacco use, excessive alcohol use and physical inactivity can lead to the development of critical health concerns. Making healthy choices can improve your quality of life and reduce your likelihood of being diagnosed with a chronic disease. Here’s what you can do to prevent long-term health consequences:

  • Choose a healthier diet.
  • Focus on moderate exercise.
  • Consider restful sleep.
  • Improve your stress management.
  • Stop smoking.

Although chronic diseases are common and known to cause life-threatening consequences, you can prevent their impact. Specific lifestyle habits such as eating healthier and increasing physical activity can go a long way. If you sign up for Affinity Health coverage, you can have regular health screenings and an optional benefit to cover your chronic essential medication.

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