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How To Improve Your Health At Work

Staying healthy at work can help you reduce the number of sick days you take. Maintaining your health enhances productivity, leading to better morale and well-being. Read on to discover how to improve your health at work.

Why is it Important to Stay Healthy at Work?

Work is where you spend most of your time sitting down and most likely staring at your screen for prolonged periods. These everyday behaviours have a direct impact on your mental and physical health. Prolonged sitting has been linked to increased risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Similarly, excessive screen time can lead to eye strain, headaches, and disrupted sleep patterns, making you more susceptible to illness and reducing your productivity levels.

Practical tips for improving your health at  work:

Stay Hydrated 

Drinking plenty of water can help you stay alert and energised throughout the day, enhancing your productivity. The amount of water you need to stay hydrated can depend on various factors, such as your physical activity levels and the weather. For instance, in winter, you are at a higher risk of dehydration since your body might delay sensing thirst when it’s cold.

Bring a Packed Lunch 

Making healthier food choices can improve your overall well-being. Preparing lunch to bring to work can reduce the chances of purchasing unhealthy meals at work. Consider planning your meals before the start of the week so that you have enough time to include nutritious foods such as fruits, lean proteins, and vegetables to boost your immunity.

Consider Healthy Snacks

Snacking on fruits and nuts throughout the day can help you stay hydrated. Additionally, it can ensure you maintain the necessary energy levels instead of relying on one big lunch meal. Healthy snacks can help you feel less hungry and avoid an afternoon slump that can make you sluggish before your workday ends.

Reduce Your Caffeine Consumption 

Research suggests that having coffee to start your day can make you feel alert. However, excessive consumption can lead to short-term alertness followed by a crash. Moreover, drinking too much coffee has been associated with side effects such as dizziness, an upset stomach and restlessness that might disrupt your work performance.

Maintain Good Posture 

Maintaining good posture is necessary to reduce the pressure on your back, neck, and spine if you sit for long periods. This tension can lead to severe physical discomfort and other health conditions, such as spinal dysfunction. By maintaining good posture and stretching throughout the day, you can avoid poor balance, breathing difficulties, and constant headaches.

Take Regular Breaks 

Being at your desk the entire day can slow down your performance. Regular breaks help you refocus and improve energy levels. A brief walk for fresh air can enhance your mood and ensure you return to your workspace re-energised.

Stick to Good Hygiene Practices

Being in an enclosed work space with other people can increase the risk of infection-causing pathogens spreading and make you vulnerable to the common cold and flu. Consider good hygiene practices such as washing your hands regularly, sanitising your workspace, and staying at home when you’re not feeling well to avoid the spreading of germs. Additionally, ensure you clean your space regularly to prevent the accumulation of dust and germs that might make you sick.

Manage Your Stress Levels 

Worrying about a lot of tasks and responsibilities can affect your mental health. Stress management is excellent for avoiding burnout. Getting good quality sleep, meditating or speaking to a therapist can help you navigate a healthier work environment and boost your morale in the office.

Health risks at the workplace can affect anyone. The best way to create an environment you can be comfortable in is by ensuring that you take care of yourself by making healthier choices with your nutritious food, staying hydrated and reducing pressure on your posture. If you can’t make it to work, you can consult with a healthcare professional from the comfort of your home using your Telehealth Benefit.

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