Malaria Hotspots in South Africa 2022
Malaria is a well-known disease worldwide caused by a parasite that infects a particular type of mosquito, so what are the malaria hotspots in South Africa in 2022? Only Anopheles mosquitoes can transmit Malaria. They draw blood from an infected person and spread the microscopic malaria parasites as they bite other people. In South Africa, Malaria is primarily transmitted along the border areas. In larger Africa, there are more than 600,000 malaria-related deaths each year. Around 60% of Malaria cases, and about 80% of malaria deaths, occur in sub-Saharan Africa. Most deaths are children under five years old.
Continent-wide, 3.2 billion people are still at risk of contracting Malaria, and an estimated 350-500 million clinical malaria cases occur annually, explains Health.Gov.
There are well-known high-risk areas for Malaria infection in Africa and South Africa.
Some parts of South Africa’s nine provinces (Limpopo, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal) are endemic to Malaria, and 10% of the population is at risk of contracting the disease. Malaria transmission in South Africa is seasonal, with malaria cases rising in October, peaking in January and February, and waning towards May.
How Can I Prevent a Malaria Infection?
As mentioned above, between September and May is malaria season because of the wet conditions, although you can contract Malaria any time of the year.
Malaria is commonly found in north-eastern KwaZulu-Natal, parts of Mpumalanga and Limpopo, amongst other places in SA.
When travelling in Malaria hotspots, there are certain precautions to avoid infection:
- Stock up on aerosol insecticide or use mosquito coils.
- Wear long-sleeved, light-coloured clothing, long trousers and socks.
- According to Gov. za, ceiling fans and air conditioners also prevent mosquito bites.
- Make sure to close your windows in the evening. Mosquitoes mainly operate at night, so ensure that your space is protected. Use netting over the windows if it’s too hot to close them completely.
- Buy tested mosquito repellent for the air as well as to apply on any of your exposed skin.
- Take an antimalaria drug and vaccination. Chemoprophylaxis help to reduce the chances of getting ill with Malaria. These medicines must be taken according to the instructions given by your local medical practitioner or pharmacist.
There is a selection of effective antimalarial drugs on the market. If you know you have a trip to a malaria-risk area, speak to your healthcare provider about the best medicine for your travel plans. If relevant, the drug you choose will depend on many factors, including your medical history, age, allergies, and pregnancy status.
Some drugs need to be administered 4-6 weeks before travel, while other malaria medicines only need to be started the day before the trip.
How Do I Know if I Have Contracted Malaria?
Malaria symptoms are only present after 10-14 days after infection. For those who have been vaccinated, this period may be even longer. In extreme cases, some people have started showing signs of infection up to one year after being bitten by an infected mosquito.
Here is what to look out for, according to the CDC:
Initially, you will experience flu-like symptoms. These include:
- headache,
- Fever,
- sweating,
- fatigue,
- myalgia (back and limbs),
- abdominal pain,
- diarrhoea,
- appetite loss,
- nausea and vomiting could indicate Malaria.
If you live in a Malaria hotspot and have persistent symptoms, especially for six months, go to a doctor.
Malaria has the potential to be life-threatening. Malaria is confirmed via a diagnostic test – your blood is examined under the microscope for the presence of malaria parasites.
Proper Diet and Nutrition
When your immune system is fighting a disease, it is always advised that you eat a balanced diet filled with loads of nutrients.
Fresh fruits and vegetables work wonders for malaria patients, says Pharmeasy. According to studies, vitamin A and vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables like beetroot, carrot, papaya, sweet lime, grapes, berries, lemon, and orange help detoxify and boost the patient’s immunity from suffering from Malaria. Also, remember to stay hydrated – some options are drinking glucose water, fresh fruit juices, coconut water, and a sorbet made with lemon, salt, sugar and water and electoral water.
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