Maternity benefits from Affinity
Affinity Health has maternity benefits to ensure that some of these costs are covered for members to enjoy the most precious time without worrying about money!
Having a baby is a joyous occasion – but there are costs involved in bringing life into the world, regardless of whether you choose to have a natural birth or cesarean section. Most deliveries, particularly the ones done in the hospital, include several physicians, experts and assistants – and everyone has the particular rate that they charge.
Without medical insurance, it can cost mom and dad thousands of rands, excluding the many things that baby will need once it’s here.
Members of Affinity Health have comprehensive maternity and postpartum benefits. The benefits come with support and 24/7 access. It includes maternity scans, blood test, health advice and guidance via Affinity’s Telehealth Call Centre. You can also use the Affinity website.
How do you register for the Maternity Programme?
Members can register for the Affinity Health Maternity Programme on www.affinityhealth.co.za. They can also register by calling the Affinity Health Maternity Team on 0861210211.
A child dependent added to the policy will be automatically registered.
During pregnancy
Your benefits include healthcare services. They are available at the Affinity Health Rate from the date of activation. Members receive a maximum amount allocated towards maternity benefits. Higher amounts will be at the member’s expense.
Antenatal consultation benefits
As an Affinity Health member, you will have access to Telephonic Consulting. The Telephonic Consulting benefit is unlimited telephonic access to a healthcare professional to assist members with Antenatal Healthcare.
Professional consultants assist with appropriate maternity-related medical advice. The medical advice includes information about prenatal vitamin regimes, how to stop smoking and the effect of alcohol on foetal development.
The Telehealth department can issue sick notes. They can also give referrals to any Affinity Health network GP. Affinity Health members have access to the Healthcare Consultant benefit. The benefit covers unlimited, managed consultations and medication from a Primary Healthcare Professional. The Primary Healthcare Professional is with one of The Medical Society centres in the country. Pre-authorisation is not required if you have a consultation at a listed Medical Society centre.
The Primary Health Professional can refer pregnant members to a doctor consultation from the Affinity Health Network. As a member, you can use the GP benefit. This benefit allows for GP visits that relate to your pregnancy.
Affinity Health’s Specialist Visit benefit covers a portion of visits to gynaecologist, obstetrician or paediatrician. You may utilise the Specialist benefit up until a maximum limit.
Growth sonars on hand
Affinity Health’s Maternity Programme offers two growth sonars. One in the first trimester and the second sonar in the second trimester. The growth sonars check that the baby is healthy and growing normally.
The pathology benefit includes pregnancy-related blood tests. The tests which are in line with the formulary include direct and indirect coombs, blood group (A B O), grouping (Rh Antigen), syphilis serology, quantitative Khan VDRL and Rubella IgG.
All-inclusive birthing plan
Affinity Health has partnered with 3 end-to-end Maternity Programme providers, in Durban, Johannesburg and Cape Town. These partners are specialised and provide an all-inclusive programme within the Affinity Health maternity benefit.
You can register with this programme by speaking to the Affinity Maternity Team. As a member, you will receive benefits from pregnancy until six weeks post-delivery. The all-inclusive price includes a personal care plan, access to gynaecologists, sonographers, social workers, psychologists and dieticians, as well as antenatal classes. You will also be covered with necessary blood tests, additional care and support if you have chronic conditions and certain hospital costs such as Caesarean Sections.
Hospitalisation benefits according to birth type
Affinity Health has contracts with designated service providers. The service providers offer competitive rates for the Maternity Programme and Affinity Health’s Maternity Team. The team will put forward referrals to network specialists and their preferential rates.
The hospitalisation benefits cover home births with registered midwives and water births. Newborns are cared for if they are registered with Affinity Health as a dependent within 30 days. The registered newborn will have access to GP and specialist visits with a paediatrician.
An Early Childhood Development service is available to parents via the telephone. The members will receive advice as new parents. The advice line can also be used for medical consultations, medication and referral to a Network GP for further treatment.
Affinity Health will cover one nutrition assessment. The assessment will be with a Primary Healthcare Professional at the Affinity Health Rate. Ongoing telephonic consultations are available. The medical professional can advise on the baby or child’s nutritional needs and monitor growth.
The benefit also covers elective circumcisions for babies and children up until two years old under the day-to-day benefits.
Overall, benefits are subject to policy types and Affinity Health rules. There are waiting periods and pre-authorisation and the treatment meeting Affinity Health’s clinical guidelines and managed healthcare protocols.
Affinity Health is here to make healthcare and advice accessible and affordable.
Affinity Health can provide you with either a day-to-day plan, a hospital plan, or a combination of both for total peace of mind. You can also benefit from booster options.
Affinity Health has created a range of healthcare products to protect you when it matters most.
Contact Affinity Health today, and our agent will get in touch with you and take you through all the options available to find an easy, handcrafted affordable cover for you and your loved ones.
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