Quality health cover that meets your needs doesn’t need to be complicated or too expensive. We offer you great cover, easy claims, and above all we tell it like it is – Affinity Health

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My Affinity Story - Drusilla Cloete

My Affinity Story – Drusilla Cloete


My name is Drusilla Cloete, I am from Centurion.

I was looking for something that would suit myself and my family.


I heard about Affinity Health insurance from a friend that was working with me at that stage.

I immediately contacted them; they immediately gave me all the information I needed. 

I was happy, I signed up with them.


A few weeks later my son had an accident at school and he broke his arm.

I was devastated at that stage, because I wasn’t with Affinity for a month yet, and I wasn’t sure how to handle the situation.

I immediately phoned them, Affinity immediately assisted me with the pre-authorisation, they referred me to the best medical centre. 

By the time I collected my son and got to the medical centre everything was done for me, the only thing I had to do was sign a form, all the pre-authorisation was given through, everything was ready for my son to be attended to. 

He was in one of the best hospitals and I was very happy with the service. 

Ever since then, anytime I have any medical issue or any questions I have to ask, I phone Affinity, they are always honest with the information, they are friendly, they are professional, 


I am very very happy with Affinity Health. 

We appreciate all of our members. Thank you Drusilla Cloete for sharing your Affinity Health story.

Get in touch today, and start your Affinity Health journey. 

Call 0861 11 00 33 / 0800111368 (toll-free) or visit our Insurance Products Page for more information on our product offerings.

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/affinityhealthcoza

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/affinityhealth.za/ 

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Aff_Health

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