Quality health cover that meets your needs doesn’t need to be complicated or too expensive. We offer you great cover, easy claims, and above all we tell it like it is – Affinity Health

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My Affinity Story - Kent Harris

My Affinity Story – Kent Harris

Hi, my name is Kent, I am from the West Rand. 

I am here to speak about Affinity Health Insurer.

A great medical insurer, they help you achieve the medical attention you need.

They have a Day-to-Day plan which has unlimited doctor’s consultations, your medication is included in those consultations, which is great.

There is a dental plan, optometrist plan, for those who need it, and they have a hospital plan as well, which helps a guy get through the year!

I am in and out of the hospital, I need that cover, I didn’t know Affinity Health had hospital cover until I spoke to a consultant. 

Consultants are available 24 hours a day and they are always ready to assist you with your medical plan. 

That’s all I can say for those who need it, it is affordable!

That’s My Affinity Health Story. 


We appreciate all of our members. Thank you Kent for sharing your Affinity Health story.

Get in touch today, and start your Affinity Health journey. 

Call 0861 11 00 33 / 0800111368 (toll-free) or visit our Insurance Products Page for more information on our product offerings.

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