Quality health cover that meets your needs doesn’t need to be complicated or too expensive. We offer you great cover, easy claims, and above all we tell it like it is – Affinity Health

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Our Staff

Going the extra mile


At Affinity Health we believe in nurturing and keeping good talent.

Our staff are our biggest asset and stand at the frontline. In line with this strategy, we spend a lot of time developing training and wellness programs for our staff – helping them find a purpose in their career with Affinity Health.


Career Counselling

Our HR department employed the services of a fulltime career counselor whose sole purpose is to administer and deliver career development programs – giving staff the tools and services to be able to make informed career development choices.



We have a growing training department that provides a variety of training programs for our staff. These programs are often regulatory based – working in a strictly governed industry, requires that all our staff are well-versed in all industry based protocols.
Our training programs include:

  • FAIS Code of conduct
  • FICA legislation
  • Customer care
  • Product refresher courses
  • AFR product level 2

We are constantly adding to our list of training programs for personal development as well as compliance requirements.


Financial Wellbeing

Affinity Health has employed a fulltime financial wellness specialist. The goal is for staff to be able to properly take control of their income in a constructive and effective manner. Each staff member is encouraged to meet with Affinity’s ‘money shepherd’ in order in order to determine their short, medium and long term financial goals – and then set a budget to achieve their individual plan.

The proper, staff centric and unbiased financial advice given, focuses on practical, realistic tools to assist staff to best achieve their individual goals and aspirations.


Debt Counselling

With so many employees in South Africa in serious debt, we felt a responsibility to pro-actively assist our over indebted staff in handling their indebtedness with the debt review process where appropriate, we have onsite NCR registered counselors who are fully employed to assist these staff with taking back control of their finances in the most beneficial way possible.


The Affinity 5 Cubed Program

As a company we are very aware that many of our valuable staff find it extremely difficult to save consistently over the long term, so we decided to launch our very own savings and investment vehicle for the exclusive benefit of all staff and sales representatives. It is called The 5 CUBED PROGRAM.


It allows every staff member to SAVE both for the medium and long term and to OWN our very OWN SHARE in valuable property investments.


Not only does this investment give our staff the potential of capital growth, but it is also designed to produce additional income over the long term. Each staff member who stays on the 5-CUBED program will benefit from the income that the investment produces by way of the rental income that the property generates from its tenants. Staff elected trustees ensure that employee’s interest are always protected.



The primary focus of our Corporate Social Investment program is to address social issues in South Africa with the end result being to promote an educated, well rounded society of able contributors. Starting with our local Ekurhuleni community and reaching out to other regions as we grow and become recognized in our field.


The secondary role of our activities is to support the growth of Affinity Enterprises by growing our role as a relevant contributor to social development within our communities. Through our CSI impact to be recognized for making a sustainable contribution to the development and economic growth of the country.

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