The 7 Types of Eczema
Eczema is a prevalent condition. Anyone can get Eczema, but most cases affect the elderly and young children. We’ll take you through the 7 types of eczema.
Most people don’t know that there is more than one variant of the condition, each that requires a different treatment, as they have other causes.
The different types include:
- Atopic dermatitis,
- nummular Eczema,
- Contact dermatitis,
- Dyshidrotic Eczema,
- Stasis dermatitis, and
- and Seborrhoeic dermatitis.
The word dermatitis is used to describe any condition that affects the top layer of the skin. Different types of dermatitis present differently.
It can cause itchiness, dry and flaky skin, and sensitive, red spots all over the body.
Symptoms can be mild, moderate, or in some cases, severe. Other common symptoms include swelling, redness, painful skin with stinging or burning and dry, cracked skin. Some people experience blistering and rashes.
There are four most common types of dermatitis. These are Contact dermatitis, Atopic dermatitis, Seborrhoeic dermatitis and Dyshidrotic dermatitis.
Atopic Dermatitis
This is a common type of skin condition that is usually found in children. Many kids will grow out of this condition as they reach adulthood. It is medically known as Atopic Dermatitis and presents as dry, flaky patches in the nooks of the skin.
Some people have eczema on the mouth, face, behind the ears and between the fingers. It can be very itchy and sometimes painful.
Contact Dermatitis
Contact dermatitis is caused by direct contact with a substance to which your skin reacts. It’s like an allergic reaction.
The allergy isn’t necessarily dangerous and can be from anything like specific components in cream to fake jewellery metals.
The skin reacts badly by either turning green and itchy or getting flaky. Some people get a mild rash or skin peeling in the affected, exposed area.
The rash usually develops within minutes of exposure to the allergen but can take up to a few hours to be visible. Symptoms last two to four weeks.
You can remove most of the rash-causing substance by washing your skin immediately after coming into contact with it.
Try using a mild, fragrance-free soap and warm water. Rinse well. Wash your clothing and other items that may have come into contact with a plant allergen, such as poison ivy.
Dyshidrotic Dermatitis
Dyshidrotic dermatitis is an itchy, dry skin condition often accompanied by small blisters. It is found on the feet and hands. This dermatitis is painful and may be related to seasonal allergies or stress.
Some people find these water-filled blisters on the soles of their feet!
The blisters can last up to three weeks. When they’ve burst, the skin will dry out. The dry skin can then form cracks. These cracks are itchy and painful too. Because this type of dermatitis has been linked to allergies, it is more prevalent in adults when the pollen count is high in the springtime.
Do not scratch these blisters, as they are prone to infection. Scratching can also permanently affect the skin’s texture, even after the blisters have healed.
Nummular Eczema
Discoid Eczema, also known as nummular Eczema, is a chronic condition. It causes coin-shaped spots to develop on the skin’s surface, explains Healthline. Like chicken pox, the lesions are filled with clear fluid. They may crust over if opened. Nummular Eczema isn’t contagious, but without topical treatment, the wounds are easily infected. They can appearon any part of the body but mainly on the hands or torso.
Lesions are itchy and can be singular or form clumps or patches.
Seborrhoeic Dermatitis
The most common is Seborrhoeic dermatitis, which many people will know as dandruff. It mostly affects the scalp, but can also develop in oily areas of the body, like the face, upper chest and back, Healthline explains. When infants develop this condition, it’s known as cradle cap. It will likely disappear in a few weeks, though.
Stasis Dermatitis
Stasis Dermatitis causes inflammation, ulcers, and itchy skin on the lower legs. Unfortunately, this is a long-term condition and if not correctly managed, it can be fatal.
Medical News Today reports that the condition often occurs in people with underlying conditions that restrict the blood flow in the legs. these conditions include:
- chronic venous insufficiency,
- deep vein thrombosis (DVT),
- varicose veins,
- and congestive heart failure.
How Can You Treat Eczema?
Even though each type of dermatitis has a different cause, a few interventions will help with most symptoms. All outbreaks need medical attention, so having medical insurance like Affinity Health will help.
Most doctors will prescribe something for the pain, as these conditions are uncomfortable. Also, an antihistamine will help for dermatitis that has formed as part of an allergic reaction.
Medicated creams and lotions will help fight any potential infection on the affected skin. Regular moisturising lotions can help restore your skin’s outermost layer and keep your skin soft. You will likely receive an antibiotic if you have contracted a bacterial infection in the affected area.
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