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top 5 best foods for gut health

Top 5 Best Foods For Gut Health

A faulty gut microbiome is a leading cause of the steep increase in chronic gastrointestinal (GI) disorders, so knowing the top 5 best foods for gut health is beneficial. Common chronic gastrointestinal disorders include irritable bowel disorder, Crohn’s disease, and ulcerative colitis.

It’s short-sighted to view GI disorders as purely a result of damaged intestines. There are mild to debilitating symptoms, which include the following: bloating, gas, diarrhoea, constipation, abdominal pain, acid reflux, and cramps.

The exact cause of IBS is unknown. Still, there is a strong correlation between the gut, brain, and nervous system function. There is a disruption in one area that affects the other to the extent that the entire system caves in. 

Stress and anxiety are two of the main culprits of GI tract dysbiosis, the severe damage and imbalance in the gut microbiome. Metabolism, the immune system, hormones, mood, energy levels and brain health are all affected. 


With highly processed foods being so freely available, the first step sufferers should take when implementing a holistic health regime is to avoid eating large meals, high-fat foods, processed meats, refined sweetened foods and salty snacks.

Avoid drinking alcohol, carbonated drinks, caffeine, dairy and artificial sweeteners.

Researchers found that highly processed foods contain artificial ingredients and additives such as artificial flavours, stabilizers, emulsifiers, preservatives, and sugars. Detergents and emulsifiers are also added to these processed foods that breach the gut barrier, causing permeability in the intestines, thereby leading to “leaky” gut syndrome.

Healing your GI tract diseases needs to include a mental health focus, such as stress, anxiety, and environment.

Past traumas are big triggers for the majority of sufferers. Experts recommend a total lifestyle overhaul that includes diet changes, exercise, yoga, mindfulness practices, stress reduction, and psychotherapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy. 

Repairing the damage to the gut takes at least four months to see a complete turnaround, as the gut is the most adaptable organ in the body. While changes in diet and lifestyle are underway, severely debilitated sufferers may still need to take antispasmodic and anti-diarrhoea medication until doses can be reduced or discontinued. 

Dietary Changes

Since fibre causes severe discomfort for GI Tract sufferers, it remains critical in developing a healthy, functioning gut microbiome. High fibre foods produce short-chain fatty acids, which build and strengthen the gut. While soluble fibre is found in pulses and whole grains, vegetables and fruit are prebiotics that feed and grow good gut bacteria.

The guidelines further state that the insoluble fibre in fruit and veg has a laxative effect that relieves constipation. The fibre bulks up stools that then move faster through the colon. The fibre in stools is softer and easier to pass, unlike a fibreless dry stool that meat eaters have difficulty passing. 

Other beneficial foods include:      

  • Low fructose fruits are easier to tolerate and less likely to cause gas. The low-fructose fruits are avocado, berries, citrus fruits, and bananas, which are high in fibre and contain inulin, promoting good bacteria growth.
  • Almonds have probiotic properties, fatty acids, and polyphenols, which encourage good bacterial growth.
  • Fermented foods such as kimchi, non-vinegar pickled sauerkraut and sourdough bread all contain probiotics, fibre and vitamins. 
  • Choose lean protein because high-fat foods such as fried foods and red meat lead to colon contractions and promote the growth of harmful bacteria.  

Initially, sufferers will experience gas and bloating. Other symptoms may worsen when transitioning to a high-fibre wholefood diet which should contain a variety of fruit and veg. According to gut-health doctor Will Bulsiewicz, people struggle when increasing fibre in their diets because of their depleted gut microbiome. 

It takes about four months for the gut to be trained to absorb fibre. It takes the same amount of time for good bacteria to grow back and reach optimal functionality.

Gut Health and Anxiety

Anxiety comes in many forms and can affect all age groups. 

Discovering the root of your anxiety is an important step toward having a handle on it. Therapy can also show dramatic improvements. 

Most people don’t know that your gut health plays a tremendous role in your mental health journey. 

When your body is exposed to stress, there are many changes. Stress causes the body to release cortisol, which affects your gut microbiome. If your gut microbiome is imbalanced, your overall mood can be affected.

Adding certain foods to your diet, such as probiotics and high-fibre foods, can help balance your anxiety and overall mental well-being. Focusing on good digestion is helpful too. 

Omega-3 reduces inflammation and improves digestion.

Probiotics and Prebiotic-Rich Foods

Probiotics and prebiotic-rich foods improve the balance of good and bad bacteria in your microbiome.

Probiotic foods include sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, apple cider vinegar, and high-quality yoghurt. 

Prebiotic-rich foods feed your good gut bacteria. Asparagus, chicory root, onions, garlic and leeks are high in prebiotics.

If you feel concerned, consult a doctor. The doctor will provide you with medical treatments.


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