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Is radiology covered by insurance?

What is radiology, and is it covered?

By definition, radiology is the science dealing with X-rays and other high-energy radiation, especially the use of such radiation for the diagnosis and treatment of disease.

It is used to detect an assortment of conditions, from abnormal internal growths to pregnancy, by use of an ultrasound.

Radiology is also known as diagnostic imaging, which in itself explains the purpose of the field. It is the taking of images from inside the body, in order to diagnose patients. The procedure is both effective and necessary in helping patients to find out what is ailing them, and giving doctors the most accurate information. This is to assist with a diagnosis, and essentially a treatment.

Both Affinity Health’s Day to Day plan, as well as Hospital plan cover radiology.

According to the Ontario Association of Radiologists, Radiologists, who are medical doctors who have completed the appropriate post-graduate training to interpret medical images interpret a broad spectrum of diagnostic tests including x-rays, ultrasound, bone mineral densitometry, fluoroscopy, mammography, nuclear medicine, CT and MRI.

“Radiology is essential to the diagnosis of many diseases, particularly cancer.   Early diagnosis saves lives. Without diagnosis there can be no treatment, there can be no cure.”

Do all medical insurers cover radiology?

In short, no.

Radiology cover is really dependent on the insurance provider you have, or the plan that you have chosen.

With Affinity Health, basic radiology and pathology are covered when recommended by your GP.

Check out Affinity’s Combined Plan, designed to give you the best of both worlds, and help you cover the everyday costs of staying healthy such as going to the doctor or dentist, obtaining prescribed acute medication or receiving a pair of reading glasses. You also receive service from any Medical Society Centre for primary healthcare and medical treatment, as well as private hospital cover, from a long list of eligible hospitals.

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