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Affinity Health on World Haemophilia Day

Affinity Health on World Haemophilia Day

Affinity Health reflects on the remarkable progress made against haemophilia, an inherited rare genetic disorder reducing your body’s ability to stop bleeding.

Affordable Medical Cover is key for Haemophiliacs

World Haemophilia Day on 17 April 2021, organised by the World Federation of Haemophilia, focused on “Adapting to change: sustaining care in a new world”.

Sadly, about 75% of people with haemophilia around the world still receive inadequate treatment or have no access to quality healthcare. 

Living with haemophilia means that you have a lower than normal volume of blood-clotting proteins in your blood. Even minor bumps, cuts, or injuries can quickly turn into life-threatening emergencies as the bleeding doesn’t stop. 

The disorder affects about one in 5 000 boys born and more than 400 000 people worldwide. It is often diagnosed with a blood test. 

People with severe haemophilia often develop bleeding problems within the first two years of life, while others are diagnosed in childhood.

What are the signs and symptoms of Haemophilia?

Affinity Health aims to help change that by raising awareness of bleeding disorders. All South Africans are encouraged to do the same and let their voices be heard. 

Haemophilia can present itself in any of the following ways:

  • Frequent nosebleeds that are difficult to stop
  • Heavy bleeding from minor cuts or skin scrapes
  • Prolonged bleeding in the mouth after a dental extraction
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding
  • Unexplainable blood in urine or stool
  • Large bruises that occur without cause or reason
  • Bleeding after having injections, such as vaccinations

“In the past, haemophilia was a life-threatening condition. The good news is that haemophilia treatment has come a long way. Today, most people living with the disorder lead full, healthy lives with careful management,” says Affinity Health CEO Murray Hewlett. 

“Knowledge is power and knowing whether you – or anyone in your family – have a bleeding disorder can help prevent complications and reduce the risk of excessive bleeding.” 

It is essential for people with symptoms that could indicate haemophilia to seek urgent medical attention. Doctors will recommend the most suitable factor replacement therapy, which will give the body the clotting factor it needs. 

Those living with haemophilia should always let their doctors know before having surgery, receiving dental treatment, or giving birth so that necessary precautions can be taken to prevent excessive bleeding. 

Hospital Plans can save you money

Haemophilia patients are more prone to spontaneous bruising and bleeding. Bruising can indicate the onset of internal bleeding and can prove to be more severe and dangerous than external bleeding.

The most alarming risk you’d face in both scenarios is severe to critical damage to your organs. External bleeding results in high volumes of blood, vital fluids and oxygen being lost, while bruising can impair the normal passage of nutrients, gases and waste inside your body. 

When a haemophiliac suffers bruising or bleeding, their symptoms can escalate into shock, an attack, or worse, a coma. This will increase their costs for ER intervention or intensive care.

Having a full medical aid plan can be very expensive. Having to fork out thousands of rand a month for medical aid or medical insurance isn’t always a possibility for everyone, so what do you do if you still want private care on a budget?

Luckily, there are many medical cover options on the market, so that everyone can have proper medical cover. Hospital plans are of course more affordable than other types of cover. When you are covered by a hospital plan, your day-to-day expenses come out of your pocket. These expenses include impromptu visits to the GP, emergency room visits and any other out-of-hospital procedures and consultations.

However, if you are admitted into the hospital for any reason, your hospital plan is likely to cover your casualty treatment and hospital stay.  Hospital stay costs are for general daily expenses such as your bed, your meals and procedures are done in theatre. These costs accrue with each passing day during your stay in hospital.

Haemophilia patients must have an emergency plan such as the Casualty Benefit on Affinity Health’s Hospital Plan or its optional benefit from iER to lessen the time and money spent in receiving medical cover, emergency response and affordable healthcare. 

About Affinity Health

Affinity Health aims to provide premier quality, affordable medical insurance to South Africans. We strive to give our clients peace of mind and the highest standard of service when faced with injury or illness. We work to deliver innovative solutions that are simple, cost-effective, and proven, so our cover is structured to ensure that you get exactly what you need. For more information, follow us on Facebook, and Instagram

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